Parc de La Villette - Plein Air

211 avenue Jean Jaurès - 75019 Paris La Villette
Built on the site of former abattoirs and designed by the architect Bernard Tschumi, the Parc de la Villette is the largest urban cultural park in the capital. 55 hectares of park, of which 35 are open-air, mix nature and modern architecture, playgrounds and activity areas for children and adults, cultural spaces and theatres. Open from 6am to 1am, the park is accessible by metro, bus, foot, bicycle and even boat. Visitors can stroll along the canal de l'Ourcq where there are a number of green spaces, ponds and fountains. There are also numerous cultural attractions such as the Cité des Sciences et de l'Industrie, the Géode, the Zénith de Paris, the Musée de la Musique, the Philharmonie de Paris... Every year, exceptional events are organized here, like the open-air film festival, which is held from mid-July to mid-August.

Opening times and prices

More info on free tickets for young people and children:

Free admission to the park and gardens.

More info on free tickets:

Free admission to the park and gardens.

More info on guided tours:

€11 each.

More info on rates:

Free admission to the park and gardens.

More info about group visits:

€200 (specific prices for schools, social sphere)

More info on opening times:

The park is open 24/7, every day of the year. The rooms are open depending on programming.

Open on public holidays:
  • Ascension Day
  • 15 August
  • 25 December
  • Easter Monday
  • Easter
  • 1 January
  • 14 July
  • 1 May
  • 8 May
  • 11 November
  • Whit Monday
  • Free for young people and children
  • Free
  • Late opening


  • Gardens
  • Restaurant
  • Shop/bookshop
  • Educational activities
Visit in:

English, French sign language

Educational activities:

There is a range of fun and educational workshops available for you to learn about calligraphy, cookery, the trees in the park, how to make bread, etc.
Booking essential: +33 (0) 1 40 03 75 75.


There are numerous places to eat in the Parc de la Villette: 'Goûtu', 'Hippopotamus', 'My Boat' et 'La Petite Halle'.


Jardins à thème
La promenade des jardins, ou promenade cinématique, se déroule comme une pellicule de film jetée au hasard sur le parc.
Le regard du promeneur découvre, selon des cadrages successifs, une suite de douze jardins thématiques délimités par des passerelles et, la nuit, par un pointillé lumineux. Selon son humeur, le promeneur peut arpenter différentes configurations de jardins : aires de jeux, terrains plantés d'arbres, éléments sonores, ambiances aquatiques et espaces intimistes propices à la réflexion.
Jardins Passagers
Créés en 2001, les jardins passagers ont été inspirés par l’exposition « Le Jardin planétaire », présentée en 1999 dans la Grande halle par le paysagiste Gilles Clément dont l’intention était de sensibiliser le public aux grandes questions d’écologie. A l’emplacement de l’ancienne halle aux moutons, cet îlot écologique de 3000m² abrite des écosystèmes variés : bosquet, friche, mare, et mur en pierres sèches. Jardins écologiques à vocation pédagogique et solidaire, les jardins passagers servent de supports à des ateliers pédagogiques de sensibilisation à la biodiversité à destination des petits et grands. Cet état d’esprit favorise l’expérimentation de méthodes de culture biologique et une observation plus attentive du vivant.

Sustainable approach

Label Oasis Nature (Humanity and Biodiversity)
Label Eve (Ecocert)


Offer adapted to disabled people
Hearing impairment

Street level access from the Porte de la Villette or by the Porte de Pantin. Accessible toilets (often without grab rail) in all areas of the park. The Parc de la Villette is completely accessible, but the aid of an extra person is needed in some spots. +33 (0) 1 40 03 75 75.
There is a car park reserved for visitors with reduced mobility.

Adapted activities and workshops

Paris for people with disabilities

Official partner


211 avenue Jean Jaurès
75019 Paris
Public transportation
7Porte de la Villette

Useful information

  • Amex
  • Eurocard / Mastercard
  • CB/Visa
+33 (0) 1 40 03 75 75