
Eco-responsible restaurants, food trucks and ice-cream makers in Paris

Eating well in Paris, with organic and local and seasonal products

Numerous labels and applications make it easy to find organic and local restaurants, bars and outlets in the capital. More and more restaurateurs are investing in short circuits and organic food or food grown in the Île-de-France region. To find your way around, it's a good idea to look at the labels that guarantee the origin of the products. Eating organic or local food in Paris during your trip just got easier. There's a huge range on offer, and mobile applications can be a real help in your search.

Here are a few apps and labels you should know about to make your stay in Paris even easier.

Organic and local labels to find in Paris

Une tartine salée appétissante aux légumes et au fromage  © DR
Find restaurants and bars cooking with organic or local produce in the Paris region.

In France, there are many labels in the restaurant sector. These labels guarantee quality products and are displayed on menus and restaurant shop windows. To be sure of eating organic food, look out for the Label Agriculture Biologique (AB label), which meets European criteria. This label is affixed to products from organic farming that are grown without the use of pesticides or synthetic chemical fertilisers. When a restaurant uses organic products, this label appears on the menu.

The Label Écotable identifies and promotes eco-responsible restaurants. Based on precise specifications and three levels of commitment, this label enables everyone to choose restaurants with virtuous environmental practices. The label offers a range of ecotable badges, including organic, locavore and short circuit. All restaurants with the Ecotable label cook with at least 15% organic or sustainable produce.

To be sure of eating locally and to guarantee the use of local products from the Ile-de-France region, it is advisable to look for the label ‘Mangeons Local en Île-de-France, Des Produits d'Ici, Cuisinés Ici’, the label ‘Mangeons Local en Île-de-France, Ici, la Cuisine est dans la rue’ or the Label Fabriqué à Paris. The two Mangeons Local en Île-de-France labels are awarded to restaurants that cook mainly with produce grown in the Ile-de-France region. Restaurants using one of these labels work mainly with local produce, ordering directly from farmers in the region. The Fabriqué à Paris label was created in 2017 to promote the richness of Parisian production. It identifies a product that has been made by a Parisian craftsman in Paris.

These labels are guarantees of quality that enable Parisians and tourists to recognise a restaurant that is committed to cooking with Parisian products or products from organic farming. What's more, the Fait Maison label** indicates that all the dishes on the restaurant's à la carte menu are made and cooked on the premises using raw ingredients.

Eat Ile-de-France or organic produce using a mobile application

Crêperie Gigi chèvre roquette
Mobile apps can be used to find organic or local restaurants close to you when you're out and about in Paris. These applications can be useful and make your life easier when it comes to eating organic or local food during your stay in the capital. The city of Paris has set up more than 300 free Wi-Fi hotspots in public places so you can use them with complete freedom.

To find an organic or locavore restaurant:

The Tookki mobile application, available on iPhone and Android, makes it easy to find an organic restaurant. Tookki is a collaborative guide that lists restaurants that use organic produce, among other ingredients. Along the same lines, the mobile application The Place to Bio, available on iPhone and Android, is devoted exclusively to organic and committed restaurants. This mobile application allows you to find restaurants that meet your criteria: 100% organic, homemade and localavore.

The mobile application Fair Trip, available on iPhone and Android, is a free collaborative guide that lists restaurants based on their authenticity and positive impact. This mobile application can be a useful way of finding ‘locavore’ restaurants that source their food directly from local farmers.

To find out where you can buy local or organic produce

Légumes marché bottes de carottes poireaux
The App du Terroir, available on iPhone and Android, aims to bring local producers and consumers together to buy products grown in the region. Thanks to geolocation, you can find out about local shops, producers and cooperatives near you. The [Ruche Qui Dit Oui] mobile application (, available on iPhone and Android, lets you buy local produce. With this mobile application, you can order directly from local producers and then have them delivered to you at temporary markets, where you can talk to local farmers.

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