Disabled / Transport

Adapted RER and Transiliens

RER and Transiliens in the Paris area accessible to disabled people.

RER and Transiliens adapted

The RER and Transiliens network in Ile de France is divided between two companies, RATP and SNCF:

  • RATP owns part of the RER A and B lines;
  • SNCF operates the other part, as well as lines H, J, K, L, N, P, R and U.

Accessibility and usage may vary slightly from station to station.

Network accessibility

© Paris je t'aime

The entire RER A and RER B lines are fully accessible.

Adapted stations are equipped with :

  • Lifts and widened passageways at control lines;
    Access from the platform to the train is provided by a mobile footbridge installed by station staff on request. This equipment is installed at the door behind the driver.

  • Vigilance warning strips on all RER platform edges;
    On a trial basis: the information displayed on destination signs in RER stations (waiting times, stations served, etc.) will be doubled by voice synthesis. To avoid too many messages in stations, this audio information will be available "on demand" using mobile phones and the Bluetooth wireless protocol.

  • On trains, the next station to be served will be indicated visually by a flashing light. To know the direction of travel, stations already served remain lit.

Find out more:

  • Ile de France mobilités / Accessibilité

  • If the station is an RATP station: you can contact an agent directly via the easily accessible and easily identifiable call points and intercoms located on all station platforms and near the control lines.
    RATP contact: 3424 (7am to 9pm Monday to Friday and 9am to 5pm Saturday, Sunday and public holidays)

  • If an SNCF station, you must book assistance via the Assist'enGare platform at least 24 hours before your journey. By telephone in France by dialling 32 12 every day between 8am and 8pm (no surcharge, regardless of operator, including mobile phones) or from abroad by dialling +33 (0) 9 72 72 00 92 every day between 8am and 8pm (price of a local call), or by booking form

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