Major events

An exciting programme of artistic and cultural events is organised in Greater Paris throughout the year.

European Heritage Days

© OTCP Assemblee Nationale

Since 1984, every third weekend of September, the European Heritage Days have provided a behind-the-scenes look at heritage sites across France, some of which are normally closed to the public. They include châteaux, townhouses, museums and political and government buildings, such as the Élysée presidential palace and some ministries. It’s a rare opportunity to discover unusual heritage sites like public housing estates, former industrial complexes and cinemas. During the European Heritage Days, guided tours and itineraries are organized across Greater Paris exploring the most remarkable 20th and 21st century sites.

Nuit Blanche

© Kaws

In June, public spaces are turned into outdoor art galleries for one night only. Launched in 2002, Nuit Blanche is one of the most popular and relaxed cultural events in Greater Paris. Temporary works by visual artists, videographers and actors transform the Parisian metropolis.

European Museum Night

© MNHN JC Domenech

Launched in 2005, European Museums Night is organised once a year on the third Saturday in May. A chance to explore museums up to midnight and sometimes beyond, the programme includes late openings for exhibitions, unusual events and surprising visits open to all. It’s an original way to discover the city’s rich heritage.

La Fête de la musique

© Melanie Van Leeuwen via Unsplash

Since its launch in 1982, the Fête de la musique has become a popular public event and a highlight on the city’s entertainment calendar. Every 21 June, generally free concerts are held in streets, gardens, squares and train stations across France, celebrating every kind of music, from classical to jazz, rock, rap, electro and world music, French songs and reggae - there’s something for everyone!

Among the events not to be missed: the Festival Paris l'été in the capital and several cities in the Ile-de-France region, the Journées Européennes des Métiers d’Art all over France, the Salon de Montrouge in the city of the same name, the Rendez-vous aux jardins all over the Ile-de-France region, Printemps des cités-jardins d' Ile-de-France, Festival Sur Les Pointes in Vitry-sur-Seine, Parade (s) in Nanterre, Artcité in Fontenay-sous-Bois, Arts en Cœur de Ville in Champigny-sur-Marne, Soukmachines in Seine-Saint-Denis, Urban Focus and Kalypso in Créteil, and the H2O Festival in Aulnay-sous-Bois...

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