History of Paris

From the Gaulish village of the Parisii to the 21st-century city of today, the Seine riverbanks have witnessed more than 2,000 years of life and history.

History of Paris

Trace the changes and transformation of the capital through major historical dates; trace the origins of all the constructions, monuments, museums and urban planning that have shaped the face of the Paris of today. Antiquity, Middle Ages, Renaissance, Haussmann: Paris is also a summary of unique architectural styles.
With 7 World Fairs, Paris is the city of cultural exhibitions.
From a Gaulish village to 21st century city: important dates in the history of Paris
From the arrival of the Gauls to Sainte Geneviève, patron saint of Paris: the history of ancient Paris
Construction of Notre-Dame, the Louvre fortress, the Bastille fortress: Paris during the Middle Ages
New buildings, new architectural style: Paris is transformed during the Renaissance
The Revolution of 1789 and the Republic change the face of Paris
In the 19th century, Paris’s canals are built, electricity is more widespread: Paris enters the modern age
Commune de Paris, the first metro line, Sacré-Coeur basilica: Paris is transformed in the 19th century
The first RER line, opening of the Centre George Pompidou ... Paris steps into the 21th century
Antiquity, Renaissance, Haussmann, art deco ... The history of Paris’s architecture and monuments
The first RER line, opening of the Centre George Pompidou ... Paris steps into the 20th century
Some buildings remain from the Roman period such as the church of Saint-Germain-des-Prés
The Gothic style begins in Paris in the 12th century with Notre-Dame and Sainte-Chapelle
Columns, pilasters, pediments: during the Renaissance, Paris is embellished with delightful ancient features
Ancient Greek and Roman influences, Baroque, and then classical decoration: architecture evolves in the 17th and 18th centuries
In the 19th century, Baron Haussmann transforms Paris with the creation of wide avenues
Serpentine lines, arabesques, forms inspired by nature ... Art nouveau sweeps through Paris from 1900
Art deco develops in the 1920s and 30s with notably the Universal Exhibition of 1937
New forms and materials: Paris has another look in the 21th century with amazing feats of architecture