The Paris Tourist Office is also on the social networks! - Paris je t'aime

Follow the Paris tourist office on the social networks via the brand Paris je t’aime: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest …
The Bureau communicates with its community of Facebook fans, Twitter followers and Instagram followers via the brand name ‘Paris je t’aime’ (‘Paris, I love you’). Here is a brief introduction to its three social networks:


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The Paris je t’aime Facebook page is for everyone who loves Paris. The Bureau shares timeless photos of the French capital, practical information, news events and tips here. It also organizes lucky prize draws to win Paris city breaks and numerous gifts. Bilingual French-English.


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The @ParisJeTaime Twitter account relays all the latest tourist information and cultural news in French and in English. The opportunity to discover top favourites and new addresses.


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Every day, the Bureau publishes some of the most beautiful photos of Paris on its Instagram account @parisjetaime and invites Instagramers from all over the world to share their own photographs of Paris under the hashtag #parisjetaime.


Every day, the Pinterest Paris je t'aime page shows different views of Paris: heritage, culture, traditions. The opportunity to share the most beautiful images of the City of Light.

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