Palais de justice

4 boulevard du Palais - 75001 Paris Notre-Dame - Île Saint-Louis
Located in the heart of Paris on Ile de la Cité, the Palais occupies 4 hectares of land and is spread out over different floors making up almost 200,000m². Inside, there are some 24 kilometres of corridors, 7,000 doors, and more than 3,150 windows. The history of the Palais de Justice in Paris is often associated with the history of the city. It is also inextricably bound up with the history of royalty, as the palace was for a long time the residence of kings. In accordance with the divine right of kings, the king had all the legislative and executive power, as well as judicial authority. The history of the palace up until the 10th century is almost completely unknown. This is easily explained as after observing the Merovingian and Carolingian kings, their court didn't have a fixed residence. Perhaps they lived elsewhere on Ile de la Cité.

Did you know?
It was in the galleries of the Palais de Justice that the 1st translation (from Latin to French) of Pindar's masterpiece The Olympionics, Pythionics, Nemeonics, Isthmionics was published in 1617. Or odes in honour of those who emerged victorious from the Olympic Games, the Pythians, the Nemeans and the Isthmians.

Opening times and prices

More info on guided tours:

Guided visits of the Palais de Justice with Parisphile.


4 boulevard du Palais
75001 Paris
Parking lot
Notre-Dame, 6 Rue de la Cité - 75004 Paris
Lutece, 3 Boulevard du Palais - 75001 Paris
Public transportation
BSaint-Michel Notre-Dame
DChatelet les Halles
2138859647Cite - Palais De Justice

Useful information