- under-26s
- jobseekers and recipients of minimum social benefits
- holders of an asylum seeker's card or refugee residence permit
- disabled civilians + 1 accompanying person
- war-disabled + 1 accompanying person
- journalists
- teachers holding an Education Pass
- tour guides
- Culture Card (MC) holders + 1 accompanying adult
- ICOM / ICOMOS members
- CRT Paris / IDF professional card holders
- members of the MDA, CNFAP or the social security scheme for artists and authors
Information on https://www.palais-portedoree.fr/informations-pratiques#tarifs
See conditions on https://www.histoire-immigration.fr/infos-pratiques/groupes.
The areas are closed to the public on Mondays, 1 January, 1 May and 25 December.
Tuesday to Friday, 10am - 5.30pm
Saturday and Sunday 10am - 7pm
The Café du Palais de la Porte Dorée is open: Tuesday to Friday, 10am to 5pm,
Saturdays and Sundays from 10am to 6.30pm, in the evenings (occasionally), depending on the establishment's schedule. Enjoy our lunch menus for adults and children. On the menu: seasonal salads, sandwiches made to order, hot dishes, hot or cold drinks and pastries to suit all tastes!
Combined ticket (aquarium + national museum of the history of immigration): €12
Twenty or so explanatory texts throughout the permanent exhibition to guide young visitors aged 8 to 12, with a visit guide for children aged 7 and over (available at the Museum entrance or downloadable online).
Point de vue sur les bois de Vincennes
Accessible entrance
Staff made aware
Accessible reception
Accessible toilets
Adapted exhibition spaces
Tours in LL, LPC, or LSF
Data verified by Paris je t'aime.
Free for the accompanying person
Free for people with disabilities on presentation of valid ID