Under 7s
The disabled, journalists, tour guides, members of ICOM and ICOMOS
€8.50 for under 18s, students under 25, teachers, job seekers, those on French welfare benefits, those accompanying the disabled, 'Amis' of the Louvre, members of the Maison des Artistes and staff from the Ministry of the Interior.
For 15 to 25 people per group. Booking required - Tel: +33 (0)1 44 96 50 33 - Fax +33 (0)1 40 50 65 84 - Email: [email protected]
Thursday until 9pm.
Tuesday to Sunday from 11am to 7pm.
€3. Available in French and English for permanent collections and/or temporary exhibitions. Lasts 90 minutes. Can be picked up from the desk after paying at the till.
A lift enables access to the museum. Only the ground floor and the floor below it (Monet room) are accessible (via lift). The lift that goes to the 1st floor is not accessible.