Départ de la rue André Gide - 92320 Châtillon
92 - Hauts-de-Seine
Covering 50 hectares across a length of 14 km, La Coulée Verte in southern Paris runs through 9 communes (Malakoff, Châtillon, Bagneux, Fontenay-aux-Roses, Sceaux, Châtenay-Malabry, Antony, Verrières-le-Buisson and Massy) and two departments (Hauts-de-Seine and Essonne). It allows cyclists and pedestrians to travel from Porte de Vanves to Malakoff, up to the Massy-Verrières RER station in Essonne. Motorcycles and electric scooters are forbidden and dogs must be kept on their leads whilst in the park.