Tarif réduit accordé aux personnes handicapées sur présentation d'un justificatif.
Price depends on the event.
Depends on the event.
The restaurant 'la Petite halle' is located inside the Grande Halle, under the peristyle. The greenhouse-like cafe-retaurant has a garden and terrace and offers grills, burgers, pizzas, ice cream, etc. or you can just sit and have a drink. Open every day, 10.30am-10.30pm.
, Contemporary,
Oasis Nature label (mankind and biodiversity)
Eve label (ecocert)
- Physical disability: parking spaces can be reserved at least 24hrs in advance, all areas are accessible.
- Visually impaired: 3D tactile model at reception, Braille and large print documents, outdoor cinema with audio described and subtitled films.
- Hearing impaired: a member of staff at reception is trained in French Sign Language, there is also an induction hearing loop at reception.
You can find out more on http://www.villette.com/fr/villette-pratique/accessibilite-du-parc/.
Contact: + 33 (0)1 40 03 75 75 between 9.30am and 6.30pm.
Adapted activities and workshops
Loan of wheelchairs