Under 26 years old
- under-26s
- jobseekers and recipients of minimum social benefits
- holders of an asylum seeker's card or refugee residence permit
- disabled civilians + 1 accompanying person
- war-disabled + 1 accompanying person
- journalists
- teachers holding an Education Pass
- tour guides
- Culture Card (MC) holders + 1 accompanying adult
- ICOM / ICOMOS members
- CRT Paris / IDF professional card holders
- members of the MDA, CNFAP or the social security scheme for artists and authors
Information on https://www.palais-portedoree.fr/informations-pratiques#tarifs
The areas are closed to the public on Mondays, 1 January, 1 May and 25 December.
Tuesday to Friday, 10am - 5.30pm
Saturday and Sunday 10am - 7pm
Combined ticket (aquarium + national museum of the history of immigration): €14.
Point de vue sur les bois de Vincennes
Accessible entrance
Trained staff
Accessible reception
Accessible toilets
Adapted mediation service
Data verified by Paris je t'aime.