Canal Saint-Denis - Du parc de la Villette au Stade de France - 93000 Saint-Denis
93 - Seine - Saint-Denis, La Villette, Saint-Denis/Stade de France
An open-air street art gallery to discover from the Stade de France to the Parc de la Villette! Along the route of the Saint-Denis canal, artists have been invited to create works using the technique of their choice: graffiti, collage, paint, stencils, etc. The creation of these works has led to a number of artistic workshops and participative murals. This very original 'avenue' can be visited freely, with a guide or during a cruise with commentary.
Opening times and prices
Free access.
More info on opening times:
24/24, 7/7
Canal Saint-Denis - Du parc de la Villette au Stade de France 93000 Saint-Denis