Université d’été en Sorbonne

1 rue Victor Cousin - 75005 Paris
Sorbonne Université's Faculty of Arts is offering the Sorbonne Summer University from 30 June to 25 July 2025. The programme takes two forms: multidisciplinary courses on cross-disciplinary themes in the humanities and social sciences, in French or English, and courses in French as a foreign language, from beginners to advanced.
Every year, this programme welcomes people from all over the world (49 nationalities represented in 2024) to the premises of one of Europe's most prestigious universities, for a moment of culture and exchange. It's aimed at students, but also at anyone who wants to enjoy a summer of culture and discovery and have a unique experience in Paris.
It is an opportunity, thanks to the professors of the Sorbonne University scientific community, to familiarise yourself with French culture at its best, in one of the most beautiful cities in the world.

Sustainable approach

Sustainable development description: the continuing education department of the University of Paris-Sorbonne does its utmost to apply an eco-responsible policy and reduce the impact on the environment as much as possible. These are some examples of initiatives that have been put in place:
- Dematerialized tools for administrative management;
- Use of eco-responsible paper (all documents are printed on Inacopia Office 75g/m² branded paper, guaranteed by the manufacturer as being produced with more than 80% renewable energy and contributing to sustainable forest management).


Offer adapted to disabled people

The Research Center where the courses take place is accessible to people with reduced mobility.

Paris for people with disabilities

Official partner


1 rue Victor Cousin
75005 Paris
Parking lot
Ecole de Medecine, 6 Rue de l'École de Médecine - 75005 Paris
Soufflot, 19 Rue Soufflot - 75005 Paris
Public transportation
10Cluny-La Sorbonne
8489Mairie Du Ve - Pantheon
212738Les Ecoles

Useful information