Fair, exhibition

Paris Photo

Grand Palais, 3 avenue du Général Eisenhower - 75008 Paris
From November 7, 2024 to November 10, 2024

Paris Photo is the leading international trade fair devoted to photography (galleries, publishers, photographers, collectors...).

Organised at the Grand Palais, Paris Photo brings together more than 200 exhibitors in order to bring modern photography to the forefront, to discover an ambitious programme in terms of the quality of the artists presented, but also in terms of the variety of works. Meetings with the artists and book signings are organised to punctuate the event and allow visitors and professionals alike to reflect on the future of photography and to share a common love of the image.


3 avenue du Général Eisenhower
75008 Paris
Parking lot
George V, 5 Av. des Champs-Élysées - 75008 Paris
Public transportation
8393Grand Palais