4 rue Christine - 75006 Paris
Musée d'Orsay - Saint-Germain-des-Prés
Le Christine cinéma club is an art house cinema in Saint-Germain-des-Près, between the Seine and rue Saint-André-des-Arts. It is known for showing big Hollywood classics and for its film club. There are special low rates for young people under the age of 26.
Opening times and prices
More info on rates:
Full price: €9; reduced rate for under 26s, groups, students, seniors, etc.
More info on opening times:
Opening hours depend on times of screenings.
Open on public holidays:
Ascension Day
15 August
25 December
Easter Monday
1 January
14 July
1 May
8 May
11 November
Whit Monday
4 rue Christine 75006 Paris
Parking lot
Harlay (Pont Neuf), 50 Quai des Orfèvres - 75001 Paris