Located in the Marais district, the Luminor - Hotel de Ville cinema has been showing films since 1914! It hosts previews, press screenings, festivals (Arte) and participates in the "Enfances au cinéma" programme. On the first floor, there is a beautiful reception room that can welcome up to 100 people.
Opening times and prices
More info on rates:
From €5 to €8.50.
More info on opening times:
Opening times dependant on screenings.
Open on public holidays:
Ascension Day
15 August
25 December
Easter Monday
1 January
14 July
1 May
8 May
11 November
Whit Monday
Late opening
Educational activities
20 rue du Temple 75004 Paris
Parking lot
Baudoyer, 94 Quai de l'Hôtel de ville - 75004 Paris