Cimetière et église orthodoxe russe de Notre-Dame-de-l'Assomption
Rue Léo Lagrange - 91700 Sainte-Geneviève-des-Bois
91 - Essonne
A corner of Russia in Ile-de-France. Some services are held inside a small church with blue bulbs. On some days, hundreds of lamps are lit and candles twinkle in the night. Created in 1926 by the Russian diaspora, the cemetery has some of the most famous writers in the world such as Makowsky, painters such as Poliakoff, Princes Romanov and Yussupof, ballet stars like Serge Lifar, Generals, soldiers and cadets.
Opening times and prices
More info on free tickets for young people and children:
Gratuit pour tous.
More info on free tickets:
Gratuit pour tous.
More info on rates:
Gratuit pour tous.
More info on opening times:
Octobre à février : lundi-vendredi, 8h-17h. Mars à septembre : lundi-vendredi, 8h-19h.