Legal Information

Legal information: identification and compulsory information.

Identification and compulsory information

Website publisher

The website is published by Paris je t'aime - Office de tourisme (hereinafter referred to as "Paris je t'aime"), an association under the French law of 1901.
Corporate name: Paris je t'aime - Office de tourisme
Registered office: 76 rue Beaubourg - 75003 Paris - France.
Siret: 775 671 373 00220
RNA: W751028202
E-mail address: [email protected]

Publication manager

The publication director is Mrs Corinne Menegaux.
The editorial manager is Mr Yann Gauthier.


Microsoft Azure Cloud
Microsoft Azure Ireland
1, One Microsoft Place, South County Business Park, Leopardstown, Dublin 18, D18 P521, Ireland.
Tel: +353 1 295 3826.

Access and service

Access to the site is free and Paris je t'aime undertakes to use all available means to ensure the reliability of the site and its content.

Nevertheless, Paris je t'aime does not guarantee access to the site and reserves the right to modify the site and its content without prior notice. Paris je t'aime may not be held liable for any suspension or modification of the site or its content.

Terms and conditions of use

Paris je t'aime declines all responsibility for the use of the site and its contents and cannot be held responsible in the event of error, interruption, malfunction, loss of data, saturation of the Internet network, failure of any reception equipment or communication lines, or any other event affecting or resulting from the use of this site.

Internet users shall refrain from any action likely to alter or disrupt, in any way whatsoever, the normal operation of the site.

The content, documents and images are not contractual.

Personal data

Paris je t'aime may process the personal data of its customers and prospective customers in accordance with the applicable regulations and its confidentiality policy, which can be accessed at

Cookie policy

Internet users may consult the Paris je t'aime cookie policy Article 10.2 of this page:

General terms and conditions of sale

Any order/purchase made on the Paris je t'aime website implies the customer's full and unreserved acceptance of the general terms and conditions of sale accessible at

Intellectual property rights

This site is the exclusive property of Paris je t'aime.

Paris je t'aime holds all intellectual property rights to these digital spaces and copyright to the content.

Paris je t'aime is also the sole owner of the industrial property rights to its brands, logos and domain names.

A visit to the Paris je t'aime website does not constitute a transfer of rights of any kind.

Any extraction, by permanent or temporary transfer, of all or part of the content of this site or the databases it contains onto another medium, by any means or in any form whatsoever, as well as the reuse, by making available to the public all or part of the content of this site, in any form whatsoever, is illegal. All the elements (texts, comments, illustrations, logos, brands, videos and images, without this list being limitative) displayed or quoted on this site are the exclusive property of their respective owners.


The official language of the site is French. PARIS JE T'AIME may publish content in foreign languages.

Paris je t'aime is in no way responsible for automatic translations carried out via web browsers and other automatic translation tools.

Applicable law and jurisdiction

This legal notice and the entire site are governed by French law and any difficulty will be settled by the jurisdiction of the place where Paris je t'aime has its registered office.


Paris je t'aime reserves the right to modify the presentation and content of this legal notice. The legal notice in force is that which is accessible on the website or any other digital space on the day of the Internet user's visit.

Recruitment area

Anyone can contact Paris je t'aime to submit an unsolicited application or in response to a job or work placement offer.

Contact form

You can use the contact form to write to Paris je t'aime. These exchanges are confidential. Paris je t'aime will process your request as soon as possible, with no obligation as to the deadline or response.

"My account"

Paris je t'aime provides its customers with a personal space. In order to use this space, the customer must accept the specific conditions of this space when joining.