Les Potins de Paris

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With the guided tours of the Potins de Paris, follow the Marchioness of Gossip and here XVIIIth century frock to discover French History as it’s never been told.
She will disclose the infamous side of the famous Parisian monuments : from the man who created the myth of the Bastille prison to the Louvre’s shadiest painting and the man who sold the Eiffel tower, be ready to be swept off your feet !
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Opening times and prices

Price examples:

€15€ per person, free under 12 years old

Opening times:

9.30am, 11.30am, 2pm, 4pm (according to the days of the week, details on the website of potinsdeparis)


  • Target individuals
  • School groups
  • Themed tours
  • Tailor-made tours
  • Architecture/town planning
  • Behind-the-scenes
  • On foot
  • Walks, districts
Language(s) spoken:

English, French

Official partner