Recensioni Paris Passlib' – City pass Ufficiale di Parigi

110 clienti ci hanno dati le loro recensioni
Giovanni Q.
2 Aprile 2024
3 attrazioni costerebbero meno del pass ma considerando la coda dedicata e’ un ottima soluzione
Debora V.
Pubblicato più di un anno
Comodo, veloce ed economico
Marilisa D.
Non è stato utile
Pubblicato più di un anno
Non è stato possibile utilizzare tutti i pass non è specificato che é necessario effettuare la prenotazione e non c’era disponibilità durante il mio soggiorno!
Risposta da Paris je t'aime - Ente del Turismo
Pubblicato più di un anno

Hello Marilisa,
Thank you for taking the time to share your experience with the Paris Passlib' and we are sorry to hear it didn't meet your expectations.
All instructions to use the pass are detailed on the voucher your receive on the day of your booking. The download of the application is necessary to enjoy all the activities included.
Please note the Paris Passlib' is valid for several months, according the expiration date indicated on your voucher. In that case, you'll be able to book your activities later if you wish.
We hope you had a great time in Paris anyway and you will come back visit the city again.
The Paris je t'aime - Office de Tourisme de Paris team

Noemi A.
Pubblicato più di un anno
card molto utile con varie possibilità di visite ed esperienze!
Alessandro D.
Pubblicato più di un anno
Ci sono stati dei problemi nelle prenotazioni ma alla fine (anche se ci è voluto un paio di giorni) sono stati risolti.
Pubblicato più di un anno
servizio buono. consiglio di non conteggiare l'utilizzo dei servizi finchè non vengono utilizzati. la prenotazione delle biciclette, non permette di cambiare programma.
Manon M.
Pas satisfaite
8 Gennaio 2025
Le pass est sans intérêt, il ne permet pas de réaliser d'économies et les prestataires ne sont pas plus au courant que ce passe existe, nous avons été obligés de réclamer à chaque fois : au musée Grevin, tour Montparnasse et bateaux mouches.
Dominique C.
4 Gennaio 2025

La présentation du produit n'est pas clair, les principales activités souhaitées par des visiteurs (tour Eiffel, Louvre n'y sont pas mais sont en photo sur le site). Beaucoup de sites proposent des entrées moins chères que le pass.
J'ai voulu offrir un pass à chacun de mes enfants ils ne peuvent pas l'utiliser, ils ont déjà vu les sites proposés et l'échange des billets n'est pas possible. De plus j'ai tenté de joindre "Paris Je t'aime" : aucune réponse ! Je ne recommande pas de passer par "Paris je t'aime" pour découvrir Paris, très déçue.

Olivier S.
4 Gennaio 2025
c etait supers nous avons fait de belles activité promenade en bateaux mouche le parc zoologique de paris vraiment magnifiques est le musée du chocolat
Egna M.
26 Dicembre 2024
Ricardo D.
23 Novembre 2024
The best pass out there. We choose the culture pass and could visit 4 activities included the Louvre and the Eiffel tower. It was totally hassle free, we didnt need to be the endless queres.
Alejandra H.
Aplicación fácil
18 Novembre 2024

Aplicación bastante fácil de utilizar y la ventaja es
que puedes comprar y después reservar las fecha o lugares que quieres visitar.

Simon B.
9 Novembre 2024

A very convenient way to gain entrance to some popular sites in Paris.
We had passlib City, where one drawback is that it works with two categories. Cat.1 gives optional access to three slightly lower priced locations, and Cat. 2 in the even higher price level. It would increase flexibility if, for example, five options in Cat. 1 could also be chosen.

Alice R.
Rentable !
7 Novembre 2024

Très pratique pour découvrir les incontournables de Paris.
Seul petit bémol, les partenaires ne sont pas toujours très bien renseignés sur ce mode « de paiement »

Sadna R.
4 Novembre 2024

It was lovely that the Paris Pass Lib (3activities) worked really well.
The Navigo card was a little troublesome as i didnt have a card to travel after arriving at Gare du Nord. It was easier for me to download RATP app and buy a nagivo card and a day pass. There was an alternative to buy the card from Eorostat as well.
We had a lovely time at Paris, will definitely visit soon.

Pascal K.
2 Novembre 2024

Ich würde gerne im Pass Folgendes bei den einzelnen Aktivitäten sehen bzw. erklärt bekommen:

  • Ist der Eintritt für Kinder und 18 Jahren umsonst? Es ist klar, dass private Anbieter sehen müssen, woher das Geld kommt und anders als öffentliche Einrichtungen nicht so großzügig sein können. Aber es wäre hilfreich, dass im Pass zu sehen.
  • Ich möchte vorher wissen, ob es eine Schlange für alle gibt oder aufgeteilt wie beim Musee d`Orsay.
  • Ich möchte im Pass sehen können bei den einzelnen Aktivitäten, ob ich Zeitfensterbuchen muss für den Besuch und wenn ja, ob mein gewünschtes Zetfenster noch zur Verfügung steht.
    Anders ist die Idee zwar nett - aber total unpraktisch. Wenn ich sowieso für jede einzelne Aktivität vorher auf verschiedenen Websites checken muss, ob und wann und zu welchen Kosten ich mit der Familie wo reingehen kann, lohnt sicher der Pass schon nicht mehr wirklich.
Bhasker S.
19 Ottobre 2024
It was a good deal and easy to use. Everything went well.
Vasanth B.
J’adore Paris
15 Ottobre 2024

Great experience for me. but the time slot availability and slot allocation could have been better. Because I experienced that the slot allocation is very stringent and sometimes very difficult to choose to.

Apart from that, it was great.

Mahshid M.
10/10 recommended
12 Ottobre 2024
Such a convenient, hassle-free way of organizing our time in Paris! And their customer service actually responds and supports the clients ^^
Jill M.
Plan ahead
10 Ottobre 2024
This is probably best to purchase and download while you are planning your trip. The "big" things like the Louvre and the Eiffel Tower require advanced reservations and it can take a couple of days to process. We didn't plan ahead and that was tricky, but we still got things figured out. Scanning through the ticket options lead us to the Jardin des Plantes which we knew nothing about and was delightful. A good value and easy to use.
Maria Elena C.
4 Ottobre 2024
Me costó trabajo entender la aplicación pero ya entendida todo perfecto muchas gracias por todo
Jean Claude D.
29 Settembre 2024
Excellent, très utile, mais votre grammaire laisse à désirer. Il manque deux lettres au bout de "commandé". Quant à "nous partager", c'est également incorrect, on dit "nous faire partager". La langue française se perd!
Ronald G.
Incontournable si vous visitez Paris
28 Settembre 2024
Économique et facile d'utilisation.
Arathi N.
28 Agosto 2024
Such an amazing team. Very proactive and every query of mine was addressed diligently and proactively.
Giuliana G.
13 Agosto 2024
Luisa S.
17 Luglio 2024
Muy fácil el proceso y muy claros los pasos a seguir
Visite paris-4 activités
10 Luglio 2024

Activités proposées très intéressantes et variées.
Parr contre, la durée de validité de 6 mois pour 4 activités est vraiment trop juste.

Fabrizio L.
5 Luglio 2024

Really useful pass with many interesting choiches available.
A suggestion to improve your service: there are too many different ways to book each chosen experience. For example for Orsay museum I downloaded the ticket directly from your app (good!) while I had to show my Passlib on the venue location for others, some must be booked in advance on their site while others not.
I am "digital" enough so this wasn't a problem for me, but other users may find it a bit confusing.

Louise D.
20 Giugno 2024
Je serai à Paris avec mes 2 amies en septembre prochain 2024, alors je n’ai pas encore fais les activités choisis avec Paris Passlib’City. Mais j’aimerais souligner le bon service que j’ai reçu jusqu’à maintenant de l’Office de tourisme,Paris je t’aime. J’ai eu de l’aide pour quelques difficultés alors pour moi 10/10 🤩merci.
Stefan M.
Hilfe, wenn wirklich nötig!!!
21 Maggio 2024
Bei der Bestellung meiner Reiseunterlagen sind mir kleine Fehler unterlaufen, die konnten über Paris je t'aime sofort und problemlos gelöst werden. Selbst vor Ort sind beim Buchen noch Fragen aufgetaucht, die innerhalb weniger Stunden beseitigt wurden. Ich bin mit Paris je t'aime und auch mit dem Passlib' sehr zufrieden gewesen.
Christelle L.
26 Aprile 2024
Mikinley M.
14 Aprile 2024
I thought the pass was a great way to start exploring Paris. I did several activities I would never have found on my own (perfume making, personal audio walking tours) that I really enjoyed. I had a little trouble knowing which number to use for the external booking sites, but everything worked out okay. Overall a great pass for people experiencing Paris for the first time or who aren’t really sure what they want to do.
Rita N.
Gostei imenso do serviço e custo x benefício!
3 Aprile 2024
Compensa muito esse passe. Tive um problema com a minha reserva no Louvre, eles confirmaram por email a data que eu queria mas emitiram os bilhetes com a data errada e só reparei no dia. Mandei email logo cedo e eles resolveram a situação, impecável!
Michel L.
3 Aprile 2024
Pratique mais le nombre d’activités reste un peu limité.
Luis O.
En general bien pero......
1° Aprile 2024
En general bien, pero no pudimos hacer todas las actividades que queríamos debido afluencia de turistas.
Ionut A.
Feedback to improve
27 Marzo 2024

For BigBus the code wasn't available, so I chose Tootbus.
For Louvre and Eiffel it's uncomfortable to make the reservation with minimum 48h in advance.
For Bateau Parisien I had to wait in line and take the ticket from the cash office.
So, I was not so enthusiastic about this experience.

Matthias H.
26 Marzo 2024
Pass beinhaltet die wesentlichen Highlights von Paris und bringt über alles eine gewisse Ersparnis. Mithilfe des zugesandten Online-Passes kann man sich durch Anwählen der einzelnen "Kacheln" zu den Sightseeingsund Angeboten einen guten Überblick verschaffen und auch gleich buchen, allerdings nicht für den Louvre (und Eiffelturm?), sondern dazu nur Terminwünsche äußern, die mit Verzögerung auch durchaus abschlägig aber Alternativ- Vorschlägen per Mail quittiert werden. Leider dazu also keine Transparenz und Planungssicherheit. Leider auch keine telefonische Erreichbarkeit. Tipp: Pass frühzeitig kaufen und rechtzeitig die besonders begehrten Highlights mit passsenden Zeitvorgaben buchen. Stornomöglichkeit bis 3 Tage davor!
Carlos M.
Much to work on...
22 Marzo 2024

Just gave on more star because of the excelent help give by the staff at the turism post next to the Eiffel tower.
Could be better. I experienced problema when I tried to visit the tower.
As the Louvre, a date and time must be arranged before visiting. Only, on the internet, the Paris Je T'aimes this information was not obvious and the QRcode was missleading, as I thought the tickets would be discounted directy. And the APP is mandatory too. Not so obvious too. As it wouldn't be for the Turism office to be Open, just by chance, I would have simply missed something. The only activity I went straight through, was in Pompidou museum where the QRcode worked perfectly. I just felt I was the first to show my Paris City pass at some places...

Dhananjay B.
18 Marzo 2024
Good experience
Benjamin L.
iPhone user interface needs a little work
17 Marzo 2024
The use of the app on an iPhone is a little clunky. When I tried to register multiple pass numbers to make reservations at the Eiffel Tower, the user interface did not work. Also, I had requested assistance with getting tickets at 5:30 PM when my son (who is not on the pass since he is under 18 and gets into museums free) purchased tickets through the Eiffel Tower website, but this was not accommodated, so now our family will go to the Eiffel Tower at separate times instead of together.
Grégory B.
Parfait pour visiter Paris !
7 Marzo 2024
Fonctionnement du pass très simple et intuitif, je recommande !
John G.
5 Marzo 2024
Disappointed that the app did not allow us to book for multiple people and this wasted a lot of my time, but the help desk did resolve the issue by taking the booking via email.
Justine S.
4 Marzo 2024

Très belle offre . C'est dommage qu'on ne peut pas voir l'application avant d'acheter le pass. L'application donne , en effet , toutes les explications sur les activités proposées dans le pdf.
On a passé un séjour super agréable :)

28 Febbraio 2024
Si pudieran mejorar la página y poner diversos idiomas sería genial, no hay castellano, siendo uno de los idiomas más usados en el mundo.
25 Febbraio 2024

Super produit, qui permet de trouver des actives et visites sur paris , sans trop chercher
Par contre , le musée de la magie , n'est pas a la hauteur de satisfaction , de toutes les actives du pass ( visite virtuelle de paris, bateaux sur la seine , ...)

Borgogni M.
1° Febbraio 2024
Le service était très utile. Le seul défaut c'est la réservation pour le Louvre et la Tour Effeil, elles font référence au site et il faut attendre la confirmation, elle devrait être plus immédiate comme les autres activités où il suffit de télécharger des e-billets
Sarat K.
23 Gennaio 2024

It's worth the money to buy!
Had an issue to book the Eiffel Tower, but staff helped me to sort out very quick!

Albert M.
Pubblicato più di un anno
Rien à reprocher. Facile à utiliser. Aucune mauvaise surprise !
Jason P.
Good idea to visit a range of sites, but purchase as early as possible.
Pubblicato più di un anno
Good way to pay upfront for attractions in Paris. Good selection of activities to choose from in each category. Would recommend ordering the pass as early as possible as there is a short waiting period before you receive the pass. Most attractions are walk-up and don't require pre-booking and those that are do book up quickly.
Riccardo B.
Pubblicato più di un anno

Di per sé è comodo, bisogna però chiarire meglio le modalità di utilizzo delle singole esperienze, molti biglietti inoltre richiedono comunque la prenotazione di data e ora, e non si capisce quali finché non scarichi il biglietto.
Attenzione che una volta scaricato il ticket non si può più modificare!