The increase in visitor numbers around the Olympic venues continues, notable in the 19th (where Club France is located) wih +36% of visitors vs 2023 since the start of the Games.
1,73 million tourists (+18,9% vs 2023) visited Greater Paris during the first week of the Games (26 July - 2 August), in line with our overall visitor projections. Among these, there were:
924 000 international tourists (+13,9% vs 2023)
The top 5 markets in terms of number of visitors:
803 000 French tourists (+25,1% vs 2023)
Ile-de-France residents have come to the Games. Between 4.2 and 4.8 million Ile-de-France residents were present in the metropolitan area of Greater Paris during the first week of the Games (26 july - 2 August)
1,63 million day-trippers (day visitors from outside the Ile-de-France) visiter the Greater Paris metropolitan area during the first week of the Games (+3,8% vs 2023).
There was a sharp rise in the number of day-trippers from départements with large cities:
Lenght of stay (26 july - 2 august) :
The lenght of stay is up on last year, for both international and French markets:
Between the Olympic Games and the Paralympic Games (from 12 to 27 August), international air arrivals are expected to rise by +8,5% vs 2023, of which +15,9% for North America (108 000 arrivals) and +5,9% for Europe 72 000 arrivals). More traditional tourist patterns should be observed during this period.
The expected occupancy rate in Paris hotels for the 2nd week of the Games (from 5 to 11 August) is 86%.