| Daylight | Wheelchair accessible | |
Le Hall des Communs | 300 people | 100 people | ✔ | ✔ | |
Auditorium | 90 people | 90 people | ✔ | ||
Le Salon Jupiter | 80 people | 27 people | ✔ | ✔ | |
La Cour d’Honneur | 300 people | 100 people | ✔ | ✔ |
Physical disability:
- The entire museum can be accessed by lifts
- All spaces are accessible to wheelchair users excluding one small historic room that cannot be adapted (former chapel of the house)
- Equipment for hire:
¤ 40 cane chairs
¤ 3 wheelchairs (with different seat sizes)
- Large lift
- Access ramp
- Adapted toilets
- The ramp linking the 1st and 2nd floors is not for accessibility, as it leads to stairs: please take the lift
Hearing impairment:
- The auditorium is equipped with a magnetic induction loop
- The museum offers commentary of works in French Sign Language (available on the website and the GuidiGo platform)
- Neckband induction loop can be rented on demand to be used with audioguides (for unguided visits) and audiophones (for group tours)
- Museum maps are available in French and English at the welcome desk
- Guided tours in French Sign Language and lip-reading available for pre-arranged groups
- Museum staff are trained in French Sign Language
Visual impairment:
- Audiodescription tours are available for pre-arranged groups
- It is recommended that visitors with visual impairments come accompanied
Mental disability:
- The museum offers 2 booklets in easy-to-understand French:
¤ 1 booklet on the museum
¤ 1 booklet on the current exhibition
- Booklets are available at the welcome desk for free on request (or can be downloaded from the website)
- Adapted visits for pre-arranged groups
- Certain activities designed for families are accessible to young people with learning disabilities
For a personalized welcome, make a booking at: [email protected]
Site tested and approved in 2015 by 'Paris en Fauteuil Roulant' ('Paris in a Wheelchair'): https://www.facebook.com/parisenfauteuilroulant/