Musée Cognacq-Jay

8 rue Elzévir - 75003 Paris Le Marais
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Located in the heart of the Marais district, the Musée Cognacq-Jay houses the collection of the founder of the Samaritaine department stores. It features a fine collection of paintings and sculptures by the masters of the 18th century, as well as furniture and objets d'art.
The Hôtel Donon, which was built in 1575 and has housed the museum since 1990, has been constantly transformed, refurbished and redecorated, and bears witness to the architecture of wealthy residences and Parisian refinement. The rooms of the museum, recently redesigned by the designer Christian Lacroix, are ideal for organising events in an elegant and intimate setting (in the Grand Comble, the inner courtyard or the garden).

Type of event

  • Cocktail
  • Press conference
  • Filming
  • Breakfast / lunch / dinner

Additional information

Technical services

  • Outdoor reception area


Cour Salle ou structure éphémère 210m²

Theater 100 people
Cocktail 100 people
Banquet 50 people
  • Daylight

Jardin Salle ou structure éphémère 475m²

Theater 100 people
Cocktail 100 people
Banquet 50 people
  • Daylight

Grand Comble Salle ou structure éphémère 105m²

Cocktail 65 people
Banquet 30 people

Rez-de-cour (salles voûtées XVIe) Salle ou structure éphémère 105m²

Cocktail 25 people

Niveau 1 (salons à boiseries XVIIIe), hors exposition temporaire Salle ou structure éphémère 105m²

Banquet 50 people

Rooms overview

Theater Cocktail Banquet Daylight
Cour 100 people 100 people 50 people
Jardin 100 people 100 people 50 people
Grand Comble 65 people 30 people
Rez-de-cour (salles voûtées XVIe) 25 people
Niveau 1 (salons à boiseries XVIIIe), hors exposition temporaire 50 people


Offer adapted to disabled people
Hearing impairment

Trained staff
Accessible reception
Adapted exhibition spaces
Tactile tours
Tours in LL, LPC, or LSF
Adapted mediation service

Data verified by Paris je t'aime.

Organize an accessible event

Official partner


8 rue Elzévir
75003 Paris
Public transportation
8Chemin Vert
29Turenne - Saint-Gilles

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