Maison de Victor Hugo

6 Place des Vosges - 75004 Paris Le Marais
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The apartment With an area of 280m², Victor Hugo offers several options, around the red room and the Chinese room:

Private evening tour of the museum with a glass of champagne Press presentation, work seminar or conference Reception, breakfast, cocktail or seated dinner Shooting or shots Evening visits, conferences, cocktails, dinners: every day after 6 p.m. Breakfasts: every day until 10 a.m. Shooting, conference, seminar: Monday only from 8 a.m. - late evening

Breakfast, cocktail: 100/150 people, Seated dinner: 60 people, Seated conference, seminar: 50 people. You benefit from visiting the current exhibition and the apartment.

The museum respects the Code of Ethics of the City of Paris.

Type of event

  • Cocktail
  • Press conference
  • Dinner
  • Meeting / conference / study day
  • Breakfast / lunch / dinner

Additional information

Technical services

  • Outdoor reception area


Salle polyvalente Salle ou structure éphémère 60m²

Meeting room 50 people
Banquet 50 people
  • Daylight
  • Ceiling height over 5m

Appartement Salle ou structure éphémère 280m²

Cocktail 120 people
Banquet 50 people
  • Daylight
  • Ceiling height over 5m

Jardin Salle ou structure éphémère 350m²

Theater 120 people
Cocktail 150 people
  • Daylight

Rooms overview

Meeting room Banquet Cocktail Theater Daylight Ceiling height over 5m
Salle polyvalente 50 people 50 people
Appartement 50 people 120 people
Jardin 150 people 120 people


Tourisme & Handicap' label
T&H for hearing-impaired people
T&H for people with mental disabilities
T&H for people with motor disabilities
T&H for sight-impaired people
Offer adapted to disabled people
Hearing impairment

Accessible entrance
Trained staff
Accessible reception
Accessible toilets
Adapted exhibition spaces
Tactile tours
Tours in LL, LPC, or LSF
Adapted mediation service

Data verified by Paris je t'aime.

Organize an accessible event

Official partner


6 Place des Vosges
75004 Paris
Public transportation
202965Bastille - Beaumarchais
69Bastille - Rue Saint-Antoine

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