Exhibition / Sport

Sport en Banlieue Parisienne exhibition - Cultural Olympiad

From May 18, 2024 to December 29, 2024
Exposition Sport en Banlieue(s) - Olympiade Culturelle l 630x405 l ©Musée de l'Histoire vivante, Eliot Grynberg l Montreuil

The "Sport en Banlieue Parisienne" exhibition combines social history, cultural heritage and contemporary art to explore the world of sport in the suburbs

The Musée de l'Histoire Vivante in Montreuil is presenting a groundbreaking exhibition on sport in the suburbs, combining popular history and art. Through a diverse collection of archive documents, objects and works of art, this exhibition explores the role of sport and its social practices in the Paris suburbs, offering national and international perspectives on the subject. A genuine dialogue between social history, cultural heritage and contemporary art.
Musée de l'Histoire Vivante - 31 Bd Théophile Sueur 93100 Montreuil
From 2.00 pm to 6.00 pm
All public