Potel et Chabot

3 rue de Chaillot - 75116 Paris Trocadéro - Passy
Traiteur Potel et Chabot - Gastronomie
Traiteur Potel et Chabot - Hôtel d'Evreux - Façade
Traiteur Potel et Chabot - Pavillon Cambon Capucines - Façade
Traiteur Potel et Chabot - Gabriel façade
Traiteur Potel et Chabot - Pièce cocktail
Traiteur Potel et Chabot - Réception
Ce prestataire vous intéresse ? Cliquez sur le bouton "Demande de devis" en haut à droite pour lui envoyer votre brief (service gratuit).
Potel et Chabot, renowned Parisian caterer and events organizer since 1820, offers four venues in Paris: the Pavillon Cambon-Capucines, the Hôtel d'Evreux, the Pavillon d’Armenonville, the Pavillon Gabriel and will help you find the perfect location for your events. Potel et Chabot provides catering services at some 500 venues in France and abroad.

Type of event

  • Cocktail
  • Press conference
  • Congress with exhibition
  • Congress without exhibition
  • Fashion show
  • Dinner
  • Art exhibition
  • Incentive / Team Building
  • Product launch
  • Meeting / conference / study day
  • Trade fair / exhibition
  • Residential seminar
  • Show room
  • Evening event with dancing
  • Filming
  • Breakfast / lunch / dinner


  • Details of meal trays
Official partner


3 rue de Chaillot
75116 Paris
Parking lot
Alma-George V, 19 Avenue George V - 75008 Paris
Public transportation

Useful information

+33 (0) 1 53 23 16 93

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